How Often Should You Grease Trailer Wheel Bearings?

Wheel bearings play a significant role in making wheel spin with ease. But for them to function properly, they need to be adequately greased. It helps to prevent them from seizing up when you are driving or rusting when exposed to moisture and salty water. Follow these crucial tips to learn how to grease your trailer’s wheel bearings.

How Often Should You Grease Trailer Wheel Bearings?

Greasing trailer wheels’ bearings is an essential step in trailer bearing maintenance.  On average, you should grease them at least once every three months. It is recommended that you grease them every 10,000 miles. For a smaller trailer or smaller wheels, you should lubricate the bearings after every 2,000 miles. Smaller wheels turn faster, which means more friction. Hence the need to grease the bearings more often.

How Much Grease Should You Put In A Trailer Wheel Bearing?

Use one tablespoon or 15 grams of grease to grease each bearing. Cover the rollers thoroughly as well as the interior of the bearings.

Can You Over Grease Wheel Bearings?

Yes. Too much grease can lead to increased temperature, damaged seals, as well as motor and energy complications. Under-greasing, on the other hand, can lead to bearing degradation due to wear and tear. It can also cause the bearings to make noise as the rollers grind against the bearings.

How Long Do Wheel Bearings Last?

The average lifespan of wheel bearings is 75,00-150,000 miles. Or approximately 8-12 years. The exact mileage or year is determined by the brand, the usage of the bearings, as well as the level of maintenance.

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