How to Clean Electrical Contacts in Your Car

One major reason for electrical malfunction in your car is dirty electrical contacts due to exposure to the elements and lack of use. Grease, dirt, dust, and oxidation accumulate on the electrical contacts leading to contact failure.

The effects of dirty electrical contacts present as electrical contact sticking, overheating contacts, shorting, excess current, and poor overall performance.

The best way to clean corroded electrical contacts is to use a contact cleaner spray. You can also clean electrical contacts with WD-40, nail polish remover, white vinegar, and isopropyl alcohol. It is also important to know what products are safe to use to clean the electrical contacts in your car.

The methods for cleaning electrical contacts vary depending on the type of dirt on the contacts. Read our article below for the best ways and products that would help you clean the dirty electrical contacts in your car.

Things you’ll need

  • Commercial electrical contact cleaner
  • Battery wrench
  • Clean, dry rag
  • Tester
  • Electrical contact lubricant or grease
  • Toothbrush
  • 1/16-inch diameter steel brush
  • Steelwool


  • Switch off the engine and disconnect the negative battery cable using a battery wrench to cut off the power supply to the electrical contact
  • First, scrub the contacts with a wire brush or steel wool to remove corrosion.
  • Wipe the contacts to remove dust and debris. If the contacts are too corroded or broken, you may need to replace them.
  • Then spray your commercial electronic cleaner on the areas, ensuring it gets to the crevices of the contacts. These cleaners are plastic-safe; therefore, they wouldn’t ruin any surrounding parts.
  • Clean the contacts with a toothbrush to remove any stuck dirt.
  • Once clean, use a dry lint-free cloth to wipe out any residue.
  • Spray the contacts technician-grade grease to seal and protect them from corrosion. It also prevents the contacts from sticking to each other and increases the conductivity of the electrical contacts.
  • Rejoin the negative battery cable and test the electrical contacts for continuity using a multi-tester.

What can I use to clean electrical contacts in my vehicle?

There are alternatives to electrical contact cleaners in the market that you can use to clean the electrical contacts in your vehicle. They include:

White vinegar

White vinegar is a cold acid used for various cleaning purposes, including electrical contacts in your vehicle. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to dry. If you leave any moisture on the contacts and you plug in your device before it dries, you risk causing shorts that will lead to serious damage to the electrical components.

  • Disconnect your vehicle from power by removing the negative battery cable.
  • Spray some white vinegar on the electrical contacts you want to clean.
  • Then gently scrub with a micro brush.


WD40 Specialist Contact cleaner is excellent at removing oils, corrosion, dirt, gunk, and condensation from sensitive electrical components and electrical contacts. It dries fast, leaves no residue, and removes the most common surface contaminants.

  • Turn off power to the vehicle.
  • Wear latex gloves because WD-40 electrical contact cleaner can irritate the skin.
  • Spray the product onto the electrical contacts.
  • Scrub off the dirt with a micro brush.
  • Then let it dry for a few minutes.

Isopropyl alcohol

Use the purest grade of isopropyl alcohol when cleaning electrical contacts in your vehicle. Get the 99% Isopropyl alcohol as it dissolves contaminants, including oils, nicotine deposits, dead skin, and more.

  • Disconnect the battery cables.
  • Spray the contacts with the alcohol, then allow it some time to work on the dirt.
  • Then scrub it off with your micro brush.


Acetone is also known as a nail polish remover. 100% acetone is pretty effective for cleaning electrical contacts. It breaks down and dissolves most of the dirt dries faster without leaving any residue.

  • Take off the power supply.
  • Spray the acetone on the electrical contacts.
  • Brush off the dirt, then wipe off any remaining residue.

Will alcohol clean electrical contacts?

Yes, alcohol can clean electrical contacts, but it has to be the purest form of isopropyl alcohol. It breaks down oils, carbon, and other residues that build up on electrical contacts in your car. Ensure your product is 99.8% isopropyl alcohol because the dry time increases significantly if the percentage of water in the alcohol solvent is high.

Cleaning electrical contacts requires a fast-drying cleaning solvent to reduce moisture that could cause corrosion. Therefore, avoid using any isopropyl alcohol below 90% on electrical components. Additionally, a faster evaporation rate helps ensure the flammable solvent disappears before powering your car.

Will WD 40 clean electrical contacts?

WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner is effective and safe to clean electrical contacts and sensitive electrics. However, not all WD-40 products can clean electrical contacts effectively—the best option is the WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner.

The regular WD-40 is unsuitable for cleaning electronic contacts as it leaves a significant amount of residue, which can attract more dirt and dust likely worsen any electrical contact problems.

Cleaning electrical contacts with baking soda

Corroded electronic contacts become inoperable as the corrosion clogs the electrical power from the battery to pass through. Cleaning corroded electrical contacts is relatively easy and effective with a little baking soda. Follow the steps below.

  • Remove the cables from the battery to cut off the power supply.
  • Dampen a cotton swab with white vinegar, then apply it directly onto the corroded contacts. Vinegar is a weak acid that will loosen corrosion.
  • Wipe off the wet corrosion.
  • Sprinkle the contacts with some baking soda.
  • Then pour some water on the contacts until they begin to fizz.
  • Use the micro brush to scrub off the rust from the contacts.
  • Wipe the baking soda paste with a clean rag.
  • Spray compressed air on the contacts to remove any remaining corrosion and baking soda., then wipe them with dry paper towels.

How to clean wiring harness connectors

Wiring harness connectors consist of male-ended plugs and female-ended jacks that you join together to relay electronic signals. Dirt or corrosion on wiring harness connectors can impede the flow of electricity. However, by following the straightforward steps below, you can clean the electrical connectors in your car successfully.

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  • Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  • Pull the connectors apart to expose the female socket and the male probe.
  • Use a small piece of fine sandpaper to buff the male probe and remove the corrosion.
  • Apply electrical contact cleaner on both connectors to remove stuck dirt or corrosion. Cleaning with vinegar is also effective.
  • Scrub the male pin with the sandpaper and use a micro brush to remove any leftover dirt in the female socket.
  • Spray a good amount of contact lubricant into the female socket, then reassemble the connectors.


Various electrical contacts in your vehicle will get dirty and greasy over time, leading to an electrical malfunction. Therefore it is beneficial to learn how to clean these contacts without causing further damage and incorporate them into your maintenance plan to avoid degrading the contacts further.