How to Remove Blind Spot Mirrors

Blindspot mirrors, also known as fish-eye mirrors, are great for covering blind spots that you would otherwise not be visible in a regular mirror. They tend to use commercial grade glue to stick onto the flat mirror. This makes unsticking the blind spot mirror pretty tough.

How To Remove Blind Spot Mirrors

Items Needed

  • Fishing line
  • Water-displacement spray
  • A piece of soft cloth
  1. Spray the mirror edges with the water-displacement spray and wrap the fishing line around your hands. Then place the line over the mirror’s top and wiggle it to get it behind the mirror.
  2. Try to move it down and keep spraying the displacement spray to make it easy to loosen the mirror with the fishing line. Keep doing this until the mirror detaches.
  3. Use the cloth to remove adhesive from the car mirror.

Do You Need Blind Spot Mirrors?

No. You can be able to avoid or rather see blind spots by adjusting the mirror. However, blind spot mirrors play a significant role in fixing the blind spot issue without having to adjust the mirror now and then. They are also affordable, which makes them convenient without denting your wallet.

Are Blind Spot Mirrors Legal?

No. However, according to United States regulations, cars must have a flat mirror on the driver’s side. Any curved mirror must have a warning sign stating that “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.”

You can also use a heat gun or a hairdryer to loosen the adhesive and remove the mirror. Do not place the heat source too close to the mirror. The plastic part of the mirror can get spoilt. You can also use dental floss in place of the fishing line.