How to Remove Duct Tape Residue from Car Body Easily

Duct tape is a great way to temporarily hold things in place until you get to a mechanic or a garage. While tape can come out clean, it leaves residue and gunk, especially if you let the car sit under the sun for a while.

Removing the gunk is an art. If you do it wrong with plastic or metal scrapers, you will end up scraping and messing up with the paint job.

Here are some efficient and less abrasive ways to get rid of the duct tape residue from your car’s bodywork.

Soak it in Warm Water

This is a simple DIY solution that might the job done. Dip a big clean rag into a bucket of warm water. Hold it over the sticky residue for a couple of minutes.

This should loosen the glue and break down its structure, making it easier to wipe off.

Try wiping it out with a washcloth using firm but small back and forth strokes. It should work on fresh residue made by low strength duct tape.

If it still sticks on, try adding some soap to the warm water and soak the glue residue for around ten minutes. Repeat the rubbing process.

If this doesn’t get the gunk out, it is too strong, and it is time to move on to the next trick.

Use a Solvent

Using warm water needs some elbow grease. If you don’t have the time and the duck tape residue is holding on fast, shopping for commercial solvent is a great way to fix the problem.

You can get purpose-made solvents from a gas station or an auto supply store. They will be safe to use on your car’s bodywork without damaging the paint. Once you get the solvent:

  • Read the specifications and guidelines to ensure that the solvent won’t harm the surface you are using it on.
  • Just to be sure, you can apply it to a small hidden patch of the same material or paint and give it an hour to confirm that it doesn’t damage the surface.
  • Clean the area with the duct tape residue using warm water
  • Use a soft cloth to apply the solvent onto the car’s surface, where the gunk is

If you are shopping around for residue cleaners, consider getting Goo Gone or WD-40.

Goo Gone is a purpose-made solvent used to get rid of sticker and duct tape gum residue. It will dissolve the sticky glue making it easier to wipe off and clean the surface thoroughly. Goo Gone and other purpose made solvents are excellent when dealing with strong adhesive from super sticky tape like Gorilla Tape.

If you already have WD-40, there might not be a need to go shopping for another solvent. Spray WD-40 onto the residue, let it sit for a while, then use a clean rug to firmly clean it off with short back and forth strokes.

ProTip: WD-40 sells pens with a tip for special solvent delivery. Uncap the pen and rub the felt tip over the residue. It should be gone in a few strokes, after which a soft dry cloth should clean out any remaining dirt.

Use Some Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is an excellent alternative to solvents. Since it is a versatile solvent to have around the house, chances are you already have it – or your spouse has it, and you don’t know.

  • Dab some rubbing alcohol onto a soft and clean piece of cloth
  • Gently rub it back and forth over the duct tape residue
  • Re-apply the rubbing alcohol if the piece of cloth seems to dry off
  • The friction from the rubbing and the alcohol’s solvent properties should loosen the residue and eventually clean it out

Blow at it With a Heating Device

Just like warm water can break down the cohesion of the glue in the residue, some heat will do the same, making it easier to clean it off.

Actually, cleaning duct tape residue from a car that has been sitting under the sun for an hour or two is easier than cleaning it off a cold vehicle.

  • You can use a hairdryer or a heat gun to supply the heat.
  • Hold the hairdryer or heat gun over the duct tape residue for around 30 seconds
  • Once the glue residue gets less sticky and easy to move around, use a piece of cloth or a plastic scraper to scrape it away gently
  • Repeat the heat application and scraping until you get most or all of the residue off

Don’t hold the heat source against the same place for very long. It can burn through paint, dashboard plastic or damage plastic trim. The same applies to tinted windows as the heat will melt the tint film.

Use Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish remover is a solvent by its rights. Chances are your wife or girlfriend already has it in their cosmetics closet. Even though it comes in very small bottles, it can do wonders getting rid of small pieces of gunk – just be sure to borrow it first.

  • Apply some of the nail polish removers onto the residue using a paper towel and let it sit for up to 10 minutes
  • After this, the residue should be less sticky and very easy to wipe off
  • Use an expired credit card or a plastic scraper to loosen it further before wiping it off with a clean piece of damp cloth

Does Vinegar Remove Duct Tape Residue?

Yes. Vinegar can be a great natural cleaner that could get rid of soft duct tape residue.

Since it is mildly acidic, take the time to do a patch test on a hidden place with the same material or paint to ensure that it won’t react with the surface you want to clean.

  • 2 cups of vinegar
  • 2 cups of hot water
  • One teaspoon of liquid dish soap
  • Mix the ingredients into a small bucket thoroughly
  • Soak a cleaning rug into the mix
  • Pick it up and, without wringing it, place it over the duct tape residue
  • Let it sit for around 10 minutes, then rub it off using the same rug or gently scrape it off using an old credit card
  • Finish up by washing the sport with warm soapy water, rinse it and dry it with a soft cloth

Using Cooking Oil to Remove Duct Tape Residue

Oil is excellent at weakening the structure of glue, making it less sticky and easier to rub off. Any form of cooking oil will do the trick.

Apply it onto the residue you want to clean and let it soak in first. After this, use a piece of cloth or an old credit card to gently scrape and rub off the goo to get a clean spot.

How To Make Your Own Goo Gone Solution

Goo Gone is an excellent commercial product for eliminating any decal, stickers and duct tape residue. It is a safe, tested and proven product that always seems to work.

If you don’t have access to the actual product and don’t feel like ordering it from Amazon, you can whip up a homemade concoction that tries to be a working goo gone alternative.

You will need

  • A tablespoon of coconut oil
  • A tablespoon of baking soda
  • 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

What to do

  • Mix the coconut oil and the baking soda until it forms a consistent thick paste
  • Add the drops of lemon and eucalyptus essential oils and stir some more.
  • To use this mix, spread it over the duct tape residue and let it soak for around 15 minutes. After this, use a soft-bristled brush or a cleaning rug to rub off the duct tape residue gently.

Check this too: How Do You Remove Clear Coat Without Damaging Paint?

ProTip: Chances are you don’t have the essential oils or coconut oil lying around the house. If you are ordering them online, consider ordering goo gone. Chances are it will do a better job.

What is the Best Way To Remove Duct Tape Residue?

While all the improvisions and DIY solutions might get the job done, Goo Gone and WD-40 remain to be the best and easiest ways to remove duct tape residue from your vehicle’s bodywork fast without damaging it.