The car lighting system is vital as it helps improve visibility and supports road safety when driving. Most cars come stock with yellow front fog lights, but most car owners believe that fog lights are yellow only for aesthetic reasons. On the other hand, auto enthusiasts dispute the importance of yellow fog lights over white
Tag: Lights
Car interior lights, also known as dome lights, get their on-off signal from multiple switches in the car. How they turn on depends on a setting switch on the dome light itself, somewhere on the dashboard, or in the car’s infotainment system. Ideally, the dome lights: Will go on when you flick a switch to
The indicators in your car are a crucial safety feature. They let other motorists know when you want to change directions or when there’s a hazard somewhere ahead on the road. They are so crucial to the extent that you’ll be pulled over and fined for driving with failed indicators. The most common failure happens
Your car’s headlights are an essential fitting. Even though they might not affect how the vehicle runs, they will have the final say on driveability when visibility dips or night kicks in. Luckily, most headlights are specific electric components. This makes them easy to troubleshoot and fix. What to Do When Your Headlights Stop Working
Fog lights, for a long, have had a misconception on their use. In most cases, a particular driver will either use it for the wrong purposes or not use it at all. Not any more! Firstly, the front fog lights are situated, right below the headlights, and are very close to the surface of the
Accent lights add a cool feature to the vehicle and also enhance visibility in the dark. Running board lights are quite popular among truck owners. They are LED lights you can connect to your running boards or around them to help with visibility at night or in dark parking lots. They also allow you to