What Does Eco Mean On a Car?

Many daily driver cars have an Eco mode button or setting somewhere in the driving configuration. A green Eco symbol will pop on the dashboard when you hit this button.

Other vehicles will automatically pop up the Eco symbol when your driving style matches a set of predetermined markers.

All popular daily drivers from manufacturers like Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, Kia, and more have some form of Eco mode.

But what do the Eco light and mode mean?

What Does it Mean When the Eco Light Comes On?

Eco is an abbreviation for ‘Economical.’ Activating this mode alters a couple of things in your vehicle, making it more fuel-efficient.

The ECU achieves this by limiting the engine’s and transmission’s performance. Your engine won’t burn as much fuel and will reduce slightly less power as you accelerate or maintain speed.

Additionally, the ECU will dampen the throttle body response. You will get less acceleration for each accelerator pedal travel millimeter than what you will get with Eco mode off. This encourages you to accelerate slowly and smoothly.

If your vehicle is automatic, the PCM will make the gearbox will shift through gears faster so that it can keep the engine at the lowest possible RPM for a given speed.

Other vehicles might not have an Eco button, but the Eco light will come on every time you drive economically. This will happen if:

  • The transmission isn’t on sport mode
  • You accelerate smoothly (not flooring it) and brake smoothly
  • You are cruising on level ground or driving down a long hill

When is the Best Time to Use Eco Mode?

You can use Eco mode any time you want to drive frugally and save on gas. You have to consciously decide that you are not in a rush and will be accelerating gradually.

Since gas costs, well, money, anyone who wants to save can drive on Eco whenever they please. The only time you should consider turning Eco mode off is:

  • When you want to drive fast and hard. Perhaps at a racing circuit or you want to stay at the speed limit on a long winding road
  • When driving on a very hilly road and don’t want your vehicle to go up the hills slower than the speed limit
  • When your vehicle is fully loaded, or you are towing a trailer
  • You are offroading. You need all the torque your engine can muster

Can I Drive in Eco Mode All the Time?

Yes. You can use Eco mode all the time as long as you are driving normally and don’t expect spirited acceleration. This is perfect for most in-town driving and a big percentage of all motorway cruising.

Remember that your vehicle won’t be as peppy, and don’t overcompensate by pressing the accelerator pedal harder.

Many people say Eco-mode can be dangerous when you want to accelerate out of danger. This makes some sense since it limits your engine and transmission’s reaction.

However, most modern vehicles foresaw such a problem and have programmed their ECUs and PCMs to override Eco mode and accelerate hard under potential emergency cases.

The car will accelerate as hard as normal if you floor it without turning off Eco mode. However, there will be a one or two-second lag before the ECU and PCM ‘realize’ you need all the power. This is often quick enough to get you out of trouble if you are a careful driver.

ProTip: Don’t floor your vehicle when on Eco mode unless necessary. It’s counterproductive. Drive frugally when on Eco mode.

Is Eco Mode Bad for Your Car?

No. Eco mode is not bad for your car. According to many experts, driving on Eco mode will not harm your vehicle as long as you are a reasonable and frugal driver. It will help you reduce your fuel consumption and even put less strain on your engine and transmission.

Should I Drive With ECO On or Off?

It depends on what you expect from your vehicle or what you are doing with it. Leave it on if you want to accelerate hard or drive enthusiastically and don’t care much for fuel consumption.

If you tow a lot or pack your truck close to its weight limit, stay off Eco mode for better response.

If you are all about saving fuel and the environment and can deal with slower acceleration, then driving with Eco on all through is the best option for you.

Does Eco Mode Make Your Car Slower?

Not really. Your car will still get up to highway speed and maintain them when on Eco mode. However, it will take longer to get there as the Ecu will prioritize fuel consumption over fast acceleration.

Sometimes, your car will also be a bit sluggish going up steep hills when on Eco mode compared to when off Eco.